“Which theologian are you?”:http://quizfarm.com/test.php?q_id=44116. Via “Ed Hand”:http://edhand.com.
I was a little surprised at my result . . .
You scored as John Calvin. Much of what is now called Calvinism had more to do with his followers than Calvin himself, and so you may or may not be committed to TULIP, though God’s sovereignty is all important.
John Calvin
67% Anselm
47% Karl Barth
47% Friedrich Schleiermacher
40% Paul Tillich
40% Charles Finney
33% Augustine
33% Martin Luther
33% Jonathan Edwards
27% J�rgen Moltmann
27% Which theologian are you?
created with QuizFarm.com
. . . since my answers to a lot of those questions have changed since college, when I actually thought of myself more or less as a Calvinist. But, as the blurb notes, the guy himself was his own thing. Kinda quirky sometimes.
Of course, I am in no way qualified to judge the overall integrity or accuracy of the quiz. I invite any reader who is (Jeff? Chris?) to take it a bunch of times with different answers and comment on its tendencies and biases.