The difference between attending a comics convention with a 9 month old and a 21 month one old is that with the nine month old, you can actually walk around, survey the booths, talk to people, and, y’know, _see_ stuff. With a 21 month old, though, you end up spending most of your time letting her burn off energy running circles in an empty conference room and trying not to lose sight of her as she follows the guy passing out free comics in an overcoat and rat mask all over the con. (Ella thought it was a bear mask, and so called him “Beah Guy.”)
So I didn’t experience as much of “Small Press Expo”: this year as I would have liked. Nevertheless, two purchases = two solid recommendations:
“Owly: Just a Little Blue”: — Andy Runton’s second Owly volume. Both autographed for Ella, now, and while she’s still a little too young for them, I have no difficulty enjoying them in the meantime.
“Max Hamm: Fairy Tale Detective”: — Just what you’d expect from the title. Well, maybe a little racier. The four episodes Frank Cammuso has written so far are now collected in one volume.