Having a cold is bad enough, but it’s way worse when you’re worried about passing it on to your six-week-old daughter. Fortunately she shows no signs of getting sick. Her take on life is still very much in the eat/sleep/poop mode, though she’s beginning to find certain things in life mildly amusing, which is fun.
Anyway, in a continuation of yesterday’s diversionary tactics, have a look at:
* Teresa Nielsen Hayden on “geek knitting”:http://nielsenhayden.com/makinglight/archives/004347.html#004347.
* Chad Orzel on “going into space”:http://www.steelypips.org/principles/2004_01_11_principlearchive.php#107390976828382546 (make sure to read all three parts).
* And finally, “Belle”:http://examinedlife.typepad.com/johnbelle/2004/01/dem_bones_dem_b.html wins the award for best opening line of a blog entry in this century:
John’s recent musings on plastinated corpses reminded me that we have a suspicious amount of human remains here at my mom’s house.