Overheard conversation next to me at the Laptop Bar at “It’s a Grind”:http://www.polytropos.org/archives/000233.html. Guy 1 is the guy who was plugging in his network cord even though he had a wireless card, and needed to call someone on his cell phone to figure it out why his access was screwy.
Guy 1: “Hey there. This is my first time logging on in three weeks. I’ve got _forty-five_ emails!”
Guy 2: “Wow, that’s a lot.”
Guy 1: “Yeah, but most of ’em are probably porn. In case you want to look at any.”
Guy 2: “No, no porn for me.”
Guy 1: “Me either. I gave up porn for Christianity.”
At first I assumed he was joking, but now they’re talking about their churches and Guy 1’s praise band.
UPDATE: I wish I had been listening more closely, because Guy 1 just used the word “hyper-Calvinism,” followed quickly by “liturgy” though he pronounced it “li-TUR-gy.” Only in West Michigan.